It’s Never Too Late to Try Something New

I've always been a bit of a late bloomer. I didn't start running until I was in my mid twenties, and I didn't start ultra-running until I was in my late twenties. But even though I started later than most, I've been able to achieve a lot in the sport. I've won races, set course records, and run some of the hardest ultra marathons around the world.

But, with all that success, I’ve also had maybe setbacks. I’ve been told I’d never run again and I’ve had to start over and reinvent myself many times. This is never an easy thing.

It’s left me asking the question: why is it that we are afraid to try something new, especially if we’re older? I think there are a few reasons.

First, we're often afraid of failure. We think that if we try something new and we're not good at it, we'll look stupid. But the truth is, everyone fails at something new at first. It takes time and practice to get good at anything. I’ve had to learn to be a beginner and to enjoy that process (take me on a mountain bike! I’m a complete beginner!)

Second, we're afraid of judgment. We think that people will laugh at us or make fun of us if we try something new that's outside of our comfort zone. But the truth is, most people are too busy worrying about themselves to worry about what you're doing. Plus, it’s an opportunity to laugh at ourselves and have fun with the process!

Finally, I think we're afraid of change. We like our lives the way they are, and we don't want to rock the boat. But the truth is, change is a good thing, and it’s the only constant in life. In fact, it can help us grow and learn new things and it’s a fun and exciting way to experience life.

So if you're thinking about trying something new, but you're afraid, I encourage you to take the leap. One final thought of inspiration is from my mother, who at 70 years old, tried her first ever bike race at Unbound. Doing 50 miles of hills and gravel.

The point is, it's never too late to try something new. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and make your dreams a reality! You might be surprised at what you're capable of.

Here are a few tips for trying something new, even if you're older:

  • Start small. Don't try to do too much too soon. Start with something that's challenging, but not overwhelming.

  • Find a supportive community. There are plenty of people who are willing to help you learn and grow. Find a group of people who are also trying something new, and you'll be more likely to stick with it.

  • Don't be afraid to fail. Everyone fails at something new at first. It's part of the learning process. Just pick yourself up and keep going.

Trying something new can be scary, but it's also incredibly rewarding. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and try something new today!


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