The Art of Multi-Sport Mastery

Welcome, fellow adventure-seekers, to the exhilarating world where two distinct disciplines collide - cycling and ultra trail running. As athletes, we thrive on the thrill of pushing our limits, embracing challenges, and mastering the art of dual dominance. Inspired by some questions I’ve received asking about the ‘how’s and why’s’ of pursuing multiple sports, I’ll take you on a journey to explore the unique training methodologies that fuel the aspirations of multi-sport athletes. So, buckle up and get ready to delve into the dynamic realm of cycling and ultra trail running.

The Joy of Multi-Sport Mastery

Embarking on the path of multi-sport mastery isn't just about conquering two disciplines; it's a testament to the human spirit's boundless potential. For those of us who revel in the rush of the wind against our faces on the bike and the rhythmic cadence of our footfalls on remote trails, combining cycling and ultra trail running isn't just a choice; it's a calling. I’m biased, I know, but by the end of this blog, I hope you’re convinced to give cycling or running a try, depending on which camp you fall into, so we can all lean into the multi-sport fun!

At the heart of multi-sport training lies the pursuit of balance - both physical and mental. As a cyclist and ultra trail runner, striking the perfect equilibrium between these two disciplines is essential for peak performance and injury prevention. I find the two sports compliment each other quite well.

Let’s start with cycling.

Building endurance and power are key aspects to a cyclist, most embrace a training regimen that focuses on building aerobic capacity, muscular strength, and efficient pedaling mechanics.

Long, scenic rides through rolling landscapes serve as the cornerstone of cycling training. These endurance-building sessions not only cultivate physical resilience but work on building a very strong aerobic base - one that translates to ultra trail running incredibly well. Plus, an added bonus is how these long rides nourish the soul with breathtaking vistas and moments of quiet introspection.

Another important aspect of my cycling training is incorporating interval training and hill repeats into the mix. These are crucial for developing explosive power and honing climbing prowess. Whether sprinting up steep inclines or pushing through high-intensity intervals over long climbs, these efforts build strength and power on and off the bike. I find this power and strength built from cycling translates over to trail running, especially uphill running.

Ultra Trail Running is another endurance beast to conquer with a huge variety of terrain to tackle. A cornerstone to preparing for these races are long endurance runs and building mental fortitude.

Long, solitary runs through remote forests and mountain trails work on both of these aspects. While also building a profound sense of resilience and self-reliance.

Incorporating hill repeats, tempo runs, and technical trail sessions into the run training plan is essential for developing speed, agility, and adaptability on varied terrain. If i’m training for a running race, I need to run more, so these sessions are absolutely essential. I find my time on the bike helps with overall resistance to injury, added strength and added excitement in training - it helps me to not get burned out and look forward to the variety in training.

If you’re looking for more specific advice, remember, I’m a coach too! So send me a message with your questions.

Keep exploring, keep evolving, and above all, keep moving forward.

Yours in adventure,



Struggling With A Growth Mindset