It’s Never Too Late to Try Something New
Hillary Allen Hillary Allen

It’s Never Too Late to Try Something New

I've always been a bit of a late bloomer. I didn't start running until I was in my mid twenties, and I didn't start ultra-running until I was in my late twenties. But why is is that we are afraid to try something new, especially if we’re older?

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Listen to your Gut
Hillary Allen Hillary Allen

Listen to your Gut

There's a lot of noise in the world today


Be better

Be put together

Don't show weakness

Everything is a test and every interaction is a way to measure up.

Be faster

Train more

Rest Less

Are you hurt?

Run through it.

Are you tired?

You're just not training enough.

It's a competition after-all, one that's everyday and not just on race day.

But I know deep down, something is not right.

me: I feel burnt out

them: you must keep going

me: but I need a break

them: no one else will take a break

me: If I keep going like this my body will break

them: you don't have what it takes.

I'm deaf now

paralyzed by fear.

I know what I need to do

I've known all along.

It's been sitting in my gut,

I just have to find the courage

to say it out loud.

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Why I Chose Writing
Lindsay Sutula Lindsay Sutula

Why I Chose Writing

When I sit down to start writing I don’t always know what I’m going to write about. Sometimes the words just flow, while other times I feel stuck, like pulling my feet from drying cement. But I’ve learned that even the process of being stuck is important.

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Resilience Isn’t Linear.
Lindsay Sutula Lindsay Sutula

Resilience Isn’t Linear.

Resilience isn’t linear. I only write this again to remind myself of it. These words I wrote, these words I believe, these words, I’ve lived, that I’m living now as I sit down to write them. Resilience isn’t linear.

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Mental Health: You are not Alone.
Lindsay Sutula Lindsay Sutula

Mental Health: You are not Alone.

Running is a solo sport. I like it that way. I never feel lonely or disconnected when I go for a run. In fact, it’s the isolated and empty space, that makes me feel most whole, most alive and a part of this world.

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How are you being?
Lindsay Sutula Lindsay Sutula

How are you being?

The first time I was asked this question, I had to pause for a second. I was confused at the deliberate change of words, confused in fact, how to answer it.

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On The Road to Oregon
Lindsay Sutula Lindsay Sutula

On The Road to Oregon

Road trips are my favorite. It’s nostalgic for me, having grown up in a camper van, touring the United States every summer with my family. The feeling is the same as an adult, the anticipation of the open road and the freedom of having a loose plan.

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